Thursday, July 23, 2009

Belle Regalo assists Grinaker-LTA with tracksuits awarded to staff for meeting man hour targets.

In June 2009 Belle Regalo supplied tracksuits for a Grinaker-LTA special project. The group had a specific man how target to meet and upon successful completion of those hours sort Belle Regalo’s assistance to produced embroidered microfiber tracksuits.
Because the group’s contract was about the be completed there was a very short lead time between the meeting of the target and the required delivery time. Belle Regalo was able to turn around the job in record breaking time.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Belle Regalo assists Cisco with the conference gifts for the African Refiners Week.

Belle Regalo assists Cisco with the conference gifts for the African Refiners Association with the organisation of the annual African Refiners Week event which takes place in Cape Town in the week commencing 16th March 2009. The order was for A4 folders, A5 folders pens, lanyards and name cards for the lanyards.
Belle Regalo offers a range of conference gifts and corporate gifts.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Belle Regalo Awarded Contract by Nigerian Institute of Welding Conference

In December 2008 Belle Regalo was awarded the contract to complete corporate gifts for the Nigerian Institute of Welding Conference in 2009. The contract included conference bags, document bags, pens, lanyards, caps, golf shirts, memory sticks and panama hats. All the corporate gifts will be branded with the Nigerian Institute of Welding logo. The contract was instituted through a referral from a South African associate of the Nigerian Institute of Welding who is an existing client of Belle Regalo.